School Introduction

D.S. Memorial Public Senior Secondary School, Ext.II C, Nangloi, new Delhi-110041 was established in April 1990 in the memory of Late Dhan Singh, Land Lord of Nangloi who was educated and blessed with far sightedness and has visualized the dire need of inculcation of moral and ethical values in the coming generation. Being and ardent follower of Arya Samaj he discarded traditionalism, orthodoxy and superstition blanket and lived his life based on humanitarian, cosmopolitan outlook and benefactorial principles. To toe his cherished idealism, proper stress in provided to infuse moral and ethical values in the young scholars, to build a sound edifice for their harmonious development and the nourishment of their head-heart and health. The temple of education was recognized by the Directorate of Education, Delhi Administration in 1991 up to middle standard and was upgraded to the secondary level in April 1993 and was awarded affiliation to CBSE noble dream was realized in April 2000 when the school was further upgraded to senior secondary level with Commerce and Humanities streams. Momentous strides have been taken since then in every field of academic life and the dedicated pursuit towards excellence. A term of highly qualified and trained staff with their sincere hard work and boundless dedication ensures high level achievement by the students in academic, games and co-curricular activities. Besides intellectual development and academic excellence the school endeavors to help children develop their innate talents and abilities to acquire a global and cosmopolitan outlook and be strongly rooted in the Indian values.

School Complex

The School Multi-stored building compress 59 large and airy class rooms, where education is imparted through lively interaction by a two- way process from classes Nursery to XII. The administration block at the entrance, has a large reception area with all the offices facing the frontal landscape.